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Zinkod — world friends, creativity and communication

Zinkod is integration resource that brings people together for fellowship and creativity. Users create a more happy, secure and interesting new world.

The project has many facets:

• communication without prejudice on a variety of topics;
• the creation of new communication format, a simple and beautiful language, available to everyone;
• implementation of creative ideas in design, science and technology.

World Zinkod — world friends, which reveals the potential of each, and where all work together to create the future of your dreams.

Language Zinkod is a new format of communication, the brainchild of all Internet users. Use only the sounds that exist in all languages and accessible to most. The words consist of a small number of letters. All the letters are read as written. In the language of the minimum of rules, they are simple and have no exceptions. Everyone can come up with his word or rule, including commentary and interpretation. And community by voting selects the best options.

Another unique property of language — the use of pictograms, emoticons, familiar to all Internet users emoticons. These simple signs allow you to better understand and give written texts emotional.

Only joint efforts can create a really lively, comfortable and beautiful language. Therefore, if the task is to connect caring creative people, a universal means of communication understandable to everyone, will appear faster. The presence in the language of graphic images will improve understanding. And books and textbooks will only become brighter and more interesting. With time and improved manual alphabet.

And Zinkod develops original engineering helps to appear to new directions in design, engineering, interiors and landscapes. Each participant can offer your opinion on interior design, usability, functionality familiar things or to submit to the General court something completely new. That's how you build a world in which you really want to live and enjoy.

Zinkod is a place where you can freely connect, create and speak. The world to create a beautiful and safe reality. Become a part of it!

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To add words, rules in the Zinkod language, images, videos, to share information via social networks, please register on our website ( go to the registration paget ), it will not take much time.

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We offer to create and develop. We suggest that you polemize while respecting your interlocutors.

Users of the project post information, taking into account copyright compliance.

A demo version of the project's capabilities and prospects.